Stepping outside the comfort zone...
Learning to let go of worries, insecurities and fears.
Going through life and constantly being afraid to try new things and put yourself out there will only end in feeling unfulfilled and disappointed.
Learning to let go of anxiety and fears of disappointment, embarrassment or failure is one of the hardest things to accept and do. However, it is the most rewarding feeling.
A small scaled example is appearance.
As a teenager, getting ready for school was a lengthy process.
It consisted of getting up at 6:30am so I had time to curl my hair, do my make up and get dressed so I could make it to school for 9 am. (2 and 1/2 hours to get ready just to go to school- ridiculous but true.)
It consisted of getting up at 6:30am so I had time to curl my hair, do my make up and get dressed so I could make it to school for 9 am. (2 and 1/2 hours to get ready just to go to school- ridiculous but true.)
My insecurity was my appearance. I would NEVER go to school with my hair in a ponytail or no make up, in fact, if I woke up 'late' (8am for example) I would feel so anxious that I had no time to get ready for school that I would try pull a sickie because I couldn't bear the idea of going to school for everyone to see me without my hair and make up done.
Learning to let go of that worry and insecurity takes time but once you stop caring what people think about you it can make you feel so free. Now I never wear make up to Uni unless I have work afterwards, and the only time I actually have my hair down is... well, when I can be bothered. Liberating, right?
On a much bigger scale is the worries of what's ahead.
Where will I be in 5 years? Will I be successful? Will I be happy?
Being so anxious can only prevent the chances of succeeding by not applying for that job or not going to that scary job interview because you don't think you will stand a chance.
Even now, studying a degree in law has made me think ahead as to what career path am I suppose to go down? Am I suppose to be a lawyer? Surly I'll be competing against people from Oxford and Cambridge, why would they want me?
Self doubt = self sabotage
Self doubt = self sabotage

One of my fears is public speaking, although I think most people can relate on this one.
Presentations? No thank you.
Next week I have my first exam, which is a moot (a mock judicial proceeding set up to examine a hypothetical case as an academic exercise). So basically a presentation.
By choosing this course I chose opportunity over comfort zone.
(...Even though I will be kicking myself for doing so next week).
Success is a choice.
Take opportunities.
Charlotte x
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