
Having friends and keeping them is something I have always struggled with.
I would love to be that girl with millions of friends but to be honest, I'm not, I can barely count them all on one hand.

Moving to 4 different areas, 11 houses (Yes 11. No, I am not exaggerating) and 4 different schools  means always being the new girl. Being the new girl means coming into new friendship groups with people who have grown up together and trying to build a similar bond to that. It's hard.
What's worse is trying to find where you fit in.

There has often been times where I've felt like I haven't had any true friends at all. No one to turn to, no one who understands, and sometimes, no one who actually cares. Friendships have always formed out of convenience of seeing that person most days, the moment that changes, we drift, we forget and we move on.

Some friendships have to come to an end because they were just toxic. They can be the hardest to end, almost like ending a relationship because they know everything about you, but if it makes you unhappy that person being in your life, then it's not a healthy friendship.
   *N.B. If you feel like you have to end a friendship, it does not make you a bad person... from experience, it will make you happier, trust me.

What's important to remember is that friendships do come and go and it's OK not to have lots of friends, it's ok to not have any friends at all from time to time.

It's also important to cherish friendships that once existed, even if they don't anymore. My intentions by making this post is not for self pity or sympathy but because in those times where I haven't had many friends and felt alone, I would have wanted something like this to read and realise I'm not.

Charlotte x


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