A letter to my 16 year old self...

Dear 16 year old Charlotte,

First of all, stop having chocolate cake and custard for breakfast. It's not normal and you're getting fat.
Plus, your prom is this year and you'll never get into a dress if you keep eating that for breakfast. Oh yeah and speaking of prom, DO NOT buy that £300 dress, you will never wear it again. Never. And in 3 years, you'll hate it.

(P.s. Make sure to open your eyes in your prom pictures)

Secondly, get off tinder. And Badoo, and Hot or Not, and definitely Omegle. You will not find a decent boyfriend on there- trust me. Just have fun and don't care about boys (regardless of what your friends are doing!!).
Also, stop stressing about GCSE Art, everyone knows you're shit at drawing but you will never have to do it ever again.
Thirdly, stop being so dramatic about everything. Grow a pair of balls and stand up for yourself! Oh and Charlotte, you know when you think about being 18 and how mature you'll be by then... don't kid yourself, you're still a child. You feel no different.
Also, you will learn to love yourself. Slowly, you'll accept that no one cares about your stretch marks, or the fact you have to dye your hair every other month because you started going grey at 14 (thanks dad for that genetic).

Finally, you will get into college and you will meet some of your best friends and you'll even get into Uni and meet even more amazing people.

I'm proud of you.
Love 18 year old Charlotte x


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