Body Positivity

'Body Confidence'.

These words have/ are/ and will be thrown around in the media. What does it mean? What does it look like?
Truth is, we all have own our definition of what it means to us. What I have learnt from others, and myself to mean is to love your body at every stage. The 'fat sloth' stage, 'the chubby belly' stage, the 'skinny' stage. What ever stage you are at.

I saw a tweet on Twitter the other day saying how sad it is that every girl hates their bodies. I couldn't help but relate to it (as did the other 81 likes and 28 re-tweets). As most girls do, not just girls but guys do. There are huge pressures to be healthy, be toned and 'bikini body' ready all year round.

I hate to call them trends but I have no other word to use then that for 'Veganism' and gym obsessions. It's not enough now to be slim but you've got to have toned abs, a Kim K butt and muscle definition to match.

Being someone who has been a Size 14/16 and a Size 8, I feel I have been at many different stages and admittedly, not loved myself through those stages. Of course, being overweight is frowned upon (as it always has been in the media), but I found when I was at my smallest was when the concerns, comments and looks started. College teachers, friends and strangers telling me to 'put some meat on your bones', and how 'skinny' my legs were. It felt horrible that no one recognised my hard work of restricting my food and exercise.

I got questions like 'Your not hurting yourself are you?', 'Are you eating enough?' and even jokes made about throwing my food up. In my judgement, eating disorders of any kind be it anorexia, bulimia or binging isn't a joke.
* Also to clarify, my eating habits weren't healthy big or small. I over indulged and restricted my food down to one meal a day. NOT HEALTHY.

Now being a size 12, I have never felt more confident in my body. No, it is not perfect and I do have imperfections from gaining and loosing weight so quickly. But I am happy and positive with the stages my body goes through because it's so dangerous to loose grip of what's important and become fixated on comparisons to be thinner or bigger if you struggle to gain weight.

Body Positivity does not necessarily have to equal body confidence but healthy thoughts and balance is a start.
Image result for body positivity

Charlotte x


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