Mental Health
All three of these concepts are the first few steps to copying with mental health. Yes, I say 'coping' because most of the time these health issues never truly leave a person and linger for the rest of their lives. Sadly.
Although I have not personally suffered majorly with issues myself, I know many that have (whether openly or not)
The stigma STILL with mental health is that 'everyone is talking about it' and it's becoming a trend to talk about, when really, people everyday shy away from the reality of dealing with the trauma of real life.
Until recently, I have always thought about the primary victim/ survivor of mental health being the person dealing with trauma. It wasn't until you see the domino effect that this has on other people. Family, friends, loved ones all suffer due to the impact of metal health and wellbeing can have on a person.
The guilt, helplessness and constant wondering 'why' this happened, or to this person you love so much and you can't take their pain away.
The most vital thing is to GET HELP, not everyone is as fortunate to have a support system or to afford therapy. However, admitting, talking and understanding is vital to learning to find strategies and ways to cope with reality.
I hope who ever reads this find some sort of comfort from the fact that you are not alone (cliché but true), whether it is yourself or a loved one suffering right now.
I know this post wont be as popular as my others. Many people will just scroll past and see this as another person saying the same thing... but it's important. We need to talk more.

Here are some links that'll hopefully be beneficial to someone
Charlotte x
*DISCLAIMER: I do not mean to offend any one with this post or by any of the terms used in this post. It is purly to raise awareness to get young people talking about mental health in an open and safe environment.
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