University Pressures

As i am embarking into my 3rd (and final) year at University, the pressures are overwhelming for what is expected of you.

Not only is this year worth 80% of my degree, but the looming question of, "what are you going to do after" is ever present.

It seems just having a degree isn't sufficient anymore.

You need to be at a Russel group uni, have experience, graduate with a 1st, volunteer, and do a post graduate degree to even be considered 'employable'.

Not only this, but you must be on top of your game. For myself, this is in terms of a training contract at a law firm... however, i have to apply NOW for one in 2020!! I have no clue where i will be next week, never mind in 2020. What's more is these training contracts not only want to know what grade you got at Uni, but what UCAS points you got. UCAS POINTS?!
*Future employer, please do not judge me on what i done at 18*

The comparisons have begun, every student seems a competitor now, the days have gone of '1st year doesn't count', and '2nd year is only 20%'... this year counts.

I am only a month into my 3rd year and already regretting some of my decision of my degree. I had the option of taking a placement for half a year in 2nd year and didn't.
Now i wish i had with everyone seeming to have legal experience.

'Experience' is an entirely different topic by itself. How do you even get experience without having connections?!

I am trying to live through my naive 20 year old brain of 'it will all work out, i will get a job... surely someone will want to employ me, RIGHT?!'

Hopefully by writing this i can find some comfort in not being the only person who is already stressed at the thought of graduating.

Charlotte x


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