Post-University Blues
It's been 3 months since my 3 years at Uni have come to an end.
3 years worth of routine, working towards a goal, new experiences, making friends for life and living independently- finished.
No one tells you about what life after uni is like but the reality is, it's the biggest anti-climax EVER!!
Everyone feeling so proud of you, your achievements, and what you have worked so hard for, you can't help but feel pressure to find THE job asap that links directly to your degree.
You can't help but feel left behind when it seems like everyone else is getting jobs, progressing in their lives and yet I'm still waitressing...
I read an article in cosmo about post-university depression and figures show that 49% of students mental well-being declined after leaving university.
I can't help but feel like i'm failing. Unemployable. Second guessing, was uni a waste? Did i get into thousand and thousands of pounds worth of debt for no reason? Should i have just done an apprenticeship instead? Will i ever get a job? HELP, i feel helpless!
I have now applied for over 20 jobs and only had one rejection email because of my lack of experience. Employers want 1-2 years experience, HOW? WHERE?
The reality of leaving uni is generally feeling lost and having no sense of direction.
I've wrote this blog post to try shed some light that post- uni blues are real and normal and also to those people who know someone who has recently graduated and are job hunting, give them a break if they aren't applying for jobs that isn't directly related to their degree.
We're trying ,and the reality is your first job may not be degree related, you may need to just get your foot in the door before being able to use your degree to it's fullest.
Everyone has their own timeline
Charlotte x

The Cosmo article-
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