2019- In Reflection
In 13 days, we will enter a new decade and 2019 will just be another year in history.
This year i managed to save enough money to buy my first car out-right and the insurance without any help from anyone else. However, because of this my bank balance has been a little dry since so the saving has stopped but in terms of this wish for 2019, it came true!
2. Grow up -
This is a subjective one, in a sense i have grown up, I've understood this year that not everything can fall into your lap as it once did. I mean this in the sense of getting a proper job, until now everything i have wanted i have gotten such as the grades i want, getting into uni, getting the part-time job i wanted. However, in 2019 I've learnt the hard way that just because you want something doesn't mean you're going to get it.
3. Get a proper job ✖
Yeaaaaaah... this is a sensitive one. I am still waitressing in my part-time job which i have now gone full-time in. Since i graduated i have applied for 40 jobs with no interviews, no interest in my CV or my grades. I have applied for all kind of jobs; degree related, non-degree related, high incomes and low incomes. I am still in the same position i was before i got a degree, just in LOADS more debt. The hard truth is i didn't get a 'proper job' this year, despite trying really hard to get one.
4. Get a car ✔
YES! Finally, after 3 years of having my licence i have bought my first car!!!
5. Be happy -
Again, subjective, but at the beginning and middle of the year i would have said yes i was happy. However, the winter months is where i always drop and i cannot honestly say i have been happy but i hope to change this mentality in 2020.
6. Accept what will be- i cannot fix everything -
Still a struggle. I always feel like i want to be able to fix everyone's problems and make them happy and the reality is i can't! The only person who is responsible for your happiness is YOU!
7. Try new things ✖
What was i thinking... salsa classes? Yeah right! I've not tried anything new this year. I underestimated how overwhelming finishing uni, trying to get a job and learning to drive again would be. I haven't had the time!
8. Taking responsibility ✔
Yes, i would say I've started to do this more.
9. Finish uni with 1st class honours ✖
It wasn't a first but it was a high 2:1 so i'll take that!
Reflecting on the year you had and what you set for yourself is always interesting to see because not everything goes the way you expected. This year hasn't been what I've expected but nonetheless, I've still achieved a couple of my wishes that i set out at the beginning of the year.
I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and the rest of 2019.

See you in 2020!
Charlotte x
Each year i like to write a blog post about my wishes for each year, and then reflect on those wishes to see what i achieved.
My wishes for 2019 were as followed:
1. Save ✔This year i managed to save enough money to buy my first car out-right and the insurance without any help from anyone else. However, because of this my bank balance has been a little dry since so the saving has stopped but in terms of this wish for 2019, it came true!
2. Grow up -
This is a subjective one, in a sense i have grown up, I've understood this year that not everything can fall into your lap as it once did. I mean this in the sense of getting a proper job, until now everything i have wanted i have gotten such as the grades i want, getting into uni, getting the part-time job i wanted. However, in 2019 I've learnt the hard way that just because you want something doesn't mean you're going to get it.
3. Get a proper job ✖
Yeaaaaaah... this is a sensitive one. I am still waitressing in my part-time job which i have now gone full-time in. Since i graduated i have applied for 40 jobs with no interviews, no interest in my CV or my grades. I have applied for all kind of jobs; degree related, non-degree related, high incomes and low incomes. I am still in the same position i was before i got a degree, just in LOADS more debt. The hard truth is i didn't get a 'proper job' this year, despite trying really hard to get one.
4. Get a car ✔
YES! Finally, after 3 years of having my licence i have bought my first car!!!
5. Be happy -
Again, subjective, but at the beginning and middle of the year i would have said yes i was happy. However, the winter months is where i always drop and i cannot honestly say i have been happy but i hope to change this mentality in 2020.
6. Accept what will be- i cannot fix everything -
Still a struggle. I always feel like i want to be able to fix everyone's problems and make them happy and the reality is i can't! The only person who is responsible for your happiness is YOU!
7. Try new things ✖
What was i thinking... salsa classes? Yeah right! I've not tried anything new this year. I underestimated how overwhelming finishing uni, trying to get a job and learning to drive again would be. I haven't had the time!
8. Taking responsibility ✔
Yes, i would say I've started to do this more.
9. Finish uni with 1st class honours ✖
It wasn't a first but it was a high 2:1 so i'll take that!
Reflecting on the year you had and what you set for yourself is always interesting to see because not everything goes the way you expected. This year hasn't been what I've expected but nonetheless, I've still achieved a couple of my wishes that i set out at the beginning of the year.
I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and the rest of 2019.

See you in 2020!
Charlotte x
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