The 10 thoughts students have before exams

1. Should have revised more
2. I need a nervous poo
3. Why do I have to do this?
4. If I was to *accidently* fall down the stairs and break all the bones in my body, I wouldn't have to do this exam.
5. Surly you get some marks for writing your name?
6. F**k it! What ever happens, happens.
7. Apparently, if someone dies in the exam, everyone else passes...
8...Who is going to take one for the team??
9. I'll be glad when all this is over.
10. I never want to do another exam again.

For everyone that has exams coming up, or has had them(be it GCSE's, A-levels or Uni), Good Luck!
Image result for thoughts before exams

I know this is how I'll be celebrating! (Well, more a bottle of wine and a Chinese but still)
Charlotte x


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