9 wishes for 2019
I am fully aware i'm about a month late with this post (although January felt a year long itself), but it has taken me till now just to sit down and write this.
So, here are my 9 wishes for 2019.
This year i really need to save more. I want to buy my first car this year and start saving to move out so i need to order domino less and save more.
2. Grow up
2019 will be the year of growth for me- i graduate uni this year and will finally be out of education YES!!! However, that does mean growing up and being a real adult AHH.
3. Get a proper adult job
Before anyone takes this the wrong way, i do not mean an 'adult' job i.e. stripper, adult worker- ew. I mean a job that isn't waitressing. I have decided to take a 'gap year' when i graduate to 'find myself and build up my CV'... in other words, i have no plan or idea what i'm doing. But the only plan i have for myself is to get a proper proper job that isn't in retail or hospitality, ideally before December 2019. To finally not work weekends and actually get that 'Friday feeling'.
4. Get a car
I cannot stress how excited and nervous i am that after passing my test a week before starting uni, i still have not properly driven since i passed in 2016. I'm in desperate need of some independence and am determined that by the summer i will have my car, i just need to do more of wish 1 first.
5. Be happy
This seems like such a cliche wish but of course i want to be happy this year. Purposely choosing happiness and being positive isn't always as easy as it sounds.
6. Accept what will be- i cannot fix everything!
Going into the 'real world' this year i will be faced with plenty of things that do not go my way and i am a control freak. I like to have a plan, know exactly how i'm going to achieve something and by when. BUT, i have no plan. I need to go with the flow more this year and try to accept that i cannot fix everything or have things go exactly how i want them to.
7. Try new things
I'm already starting the year by doing new things like volunteering in my uni's legal advice centre. However, i would love to try something else which i haven't done before like salsa classes, i'm just afraid everyone there will either be really professional or 90 years old.
8. Taking responsibility
Yes, like i have mention, 2019 is the year of adulting. I will no longer be a student by June of this year meaning i will have to start paying full price for things, doing things myself and taking responsibility for myself (urgh).
9. Finish uni with 1st class honours
Now, this may be a bit far fetched BUT, i would love love love to finish uni with a 1st... even a low first i do not care, i will take anything!
These are my wishes for the year, it will be very interesting to reflect on these like i did for 2018.
If you liked this blog post please check out my 8 wishes for 2018 and my reflection to see which wishes came true.
If you liked this blog post please check out my 8 wishes for 2018 and my reflection to see which wishes came true.

Charlotte x
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